Are you prepared for your exam? Our free practice test contains real-life questions to help you find out.

There’s only one thing standing between you and an exciting career as a licensed registered nurse: your NCLEX RN exam! 

We use actual questions that appear on the written portion of the NCLEX RN exam, so our practice test will help you discover if you’re definitely prepared for the real thing! 

The NCLEX RN exam requires knowledge of the health needs of clients as well as an understanding of integrated processes fundamental to nursing practice. 

Our free practice test (below) helps you prepare for and pass the written portion of the NCLEX RN exam: it contains 15 questions, all of which are representative of the questions that appear on the real thing.

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here's the practice test!

(Good luck!)

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Don’t sweat it if your score is on the low side! With our study guides, you can tackle your NCLEX RN Exams like a pro in no time.

Table of Contents

The NCLEX RN exam is designed to assess your competencies in several key areas essential for safe and effective nursing practice. Here’s a breakdown of the content areas you’ll encounter:

1. Safe and Effective Care Environment (26-38%)

  • Management of Care
  • Safety and Infection Control

2. Health Promotion and Maintenance (6-12%)

  • Principles of Growth and Development
  • Prevention and Early Detection of Disease

3. Psychosocial Integrity (6-12%)

  • Coping and Adaptation Mechanisms
  • Psychosocial Adaptation

4. Physiological Integrity (38-62%)

  • Basic Care and Comfort
  • Pharmacological and
  • Parenteral Therapies
  • Reduction of Risk Potential
  • Physiological Adaptation

To successfully complete these areas of study, students must exhibit proficiency in the integrated processes that are fundamental to the practice of nursing, which encompass the nursing process, providing care, communication and documentation skills, teaching and learning methodologies, as well as an understanding of cultural and spiritual considerations.

We have other NCLEX practice tests here covering all knowledge domains

NCLEX-RN Registration Process

NCLEX-RN Registration Process

Clinical Judgment and Decision Making

The Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) places significant emphasis on evaluating candidates’ proficiency in clinical judgment and decision-making skills. These critical abilities are assessed through the following means:

  • The NGN utilizes extended multi-part case studies that require candidates to analyze information, formulate judgments, and recommend actions encompassing the nursing process.

  • Individual questions: Individual questions are designed to test your skills in areas like prioritization, delegation, anticipating risks, and evaluating outcomes.

To develop strong clinical judgment, it’s crucial to apply knowledge from your nursing education to patient care situations. During your preparation:

  • Practice interpreting patient data, recognizing relevant priorities, and determining appropriate interventions.

  • Utilize nursing process steps like assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.

  • Consider factors that influence clinical decisions, such as evidence, institutional policies, patient preferences, and situational contexts.

Assessing Integrated Processes

The NCLEX-RN evaluates your proficiency in integrated processes vital to nursing practice, such as caring, communication and documentation, teaching and learning, and culture and spirituality.

To effectively prepare for questions assessing integrated processes, consider the following strategies:

  1. Familiarize yourself with effective therapeutic communication methods to facilitate positive interactions with patients, their families, and healthcare colleagues.

  2. Develop a comprehensive understanding of patient education principles and the factors influencing the learning process.

  3. Enhance your knowledge of cultural competence, spiritual care practices, and their significance in providing holistic nursing care.

  4. Practice documenting patient assessments, interventions, and evaluations using standardized terminology and appropriate documentation formats.

  5. Utilize study resources that align with your learning preferences, such as practice questions, comprehensive study guides, or interactive mobile applications.

  6. Regularly review and reinforce your understanding of integrated processes through active learning methods like case studies or simulated scenarios.

To prepare for questions on these topics:

  • Review therapeutic communication techniques for interactions with patients, families, and colleagues.
  • Refresh your knowledge of cultural competence, spiritual care, and their roles in holistic nursing care.
  • Practice documenting assessments, interventions, and evaluations using appropriate terminology and formats.

To assist in your preparation, consider the various study resources available and their respective advantages and drawbacks:

Resource Type




Practice Questions

  • Covers all NCLEX topics- Explains answers
  • Simulates exam conditions
  • Tests and reinforces knowledge
  • Highlights what you know and need to study
  • Needs background knowledge
  • Less detailed content review

Study Guides

  • Reviews nursing concepts
  • Includes test strategies and questions
  • Comprehensive
  • Good for on-the-go study
  • Can be overwhelming
  • Might need more practice


  • Led by instructors
  • Includes lectures, activities, and tests
  • Direct feedback
  • Organized learning
  • Costly
  • Time-consuming


  • Study tools for mobile
  • Features flashcards and quizzes
  • Study anytime, anywhere
  • Interactive learning
  • Might miss deeper topics
  • Possible distractions

Test-Taking Strategies for the NCLEX-RN

To help you perform your best on the NCLEX-RN, here are some proven test-taking strategies:

  • Understand Question Types: The NCLEX-RN includes multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, hot spot, chart/exhibit, and drag-and-drop questions. Familiarize yourself with the different formats and practice answering each type.
  • Read Carefully: Thoroughly read and understand each question before selecting an answer. Look for keywords or phrases that provide important context or limitations.
  • Use Educated Guessing: If you’re unsure about an answer, try to eliminate clearly incorrect options first. Then make an educated guess from the remaining choices.
  • Manage Your Time: The NCLEX-RN is not a timed test, but use your time wisely. Don’t dwell too long on any single question.
  • Stay Focused: The exam is challenging, but maintain your concentration. Take breaks as needed to recharge.

Question Types and Strategies

Question Type



Multiple Choice

Select one correct answer

  • Read carefully for keywords
  • Eliminate wrong options
  • Pick the best answer

Select All That Apply (SATA)

Choose all correct answers

  • Treat options as True/False
  • Avoid assumptions
  • Guess if unsure

Fill in the Blank

Provide missing words/values

  • Read context
  • Check spelling and units
  • Verify answers fit

Hot Spot

Click the correct area on an image

  • Know your diagrams
  • Use labels and legends as clues


Use chart/exhibit data to answer

  • Review all chart data
  • Look for patterns and relationships

Drag and Drop

Place items correctly

  • Understand the scenario
  • Consider logical sequence


Answer based on the audio clip

  • Listen carefully, take notes
  • Notice verbal cues

The New Scoring System for the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN)

The Next Generation NCLEX introduces a new scoring model designed to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of a candidate’s knowledge and clinical judgment skills. Unlike the current NCLEX, which uses a pass/fail model, the NGN will implement a partial credit scoring system.

With partial credit scoring, you can earn credit for the critical thinking skills you demonstrate, even if you don’t select the complete or most perfect answer. This system aims to better reflect the realistic decision-making process nurses face in clinical practice.

Here’s how it works:

  • Questions will be structured with multiple response options or multiple sections to answer.
  • You’ll receive full credit for selecting all components of the ideal or complete answer.
  • However, you can still earn partial credit for responses that demonstrate critical thinking and decision-making skills, even if they aren’t the perfect answer.
  • The scoring model considers factors like prioritization, delegation, risk assessment, and clinical judgment when awarding partial credit.

This new approach recognizes that there may be multiple acceptable ways to address a clinical situation, rather than just one perfect solution. By rewarding critical thinking skills, the NGN aims to deliver a more accurate assessment of a candidate’s ability to practice nursing safely and effectively.

(Good luck!)

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